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My Services

Embark on a journey to personal growth and mental well-being with our tailored approach. We understand that each individual's path is unique and we're dedicated to helping you uncover underlying issues, tap into your strengths, and reshape behaviors for a healthier perspective.

We provide a safe space where compassion meets personalized support. Your unique needs take center stage in our client-centered approach. Join us on your path to wellness, where your journey is our priority.

Relationship Issues

Intimacy problems widely occur behind a variety of closed doors. Conflicts may include a loss of harmony between the sheets, a lack of sexual desire between either partners or failure in communication. There are often psychological factors that may contribute to a sexual disorder such as erectile dysfunction, or a lowered desire after a new mother has given birth. Intimacy issues are common, but if one or more become severe and there is no resolution in sight, it may be time to seek therapy for guidance.

Grief Counseling and Pet Loss

Grief is the emotional response to any type of loss. Perhaps of a loved one due to death or divorce, but also the loss of a job, a pet, financial stability, or safety after trauma. Feelings of grief can be  overwhelming, and it can be hard to know how to manage and overcome these emotions. It is important to have patience with yourself and others during this process as it is a healthy part of healing. If you are having trouble coping on your own, or know of someone who could use extra support, a therapist can assist.

Parenting & Family Issues

The number of situations associated with parenting and families is endless, but common conflicts can include in-laws sticking their nose your relationship, difference in opinion when it comes to raising children, and even trauma, such as domestic violence, or alcohol and drug abuse. It can be challenging to watch family members struggle, and in most cases, you may not know how to resolve the problem. Seeking support from a mental health professional can help parents and families develop acceptance and skills to repair relationships that may seem unsalvageable.

Stress Management

Everyone encounters stress during their lives at one point—never-ending bills, demanding schedules, work, and family responsibilities—and that can make stress seem inescapable and uncontrollable. Stress management skills are designed to help a person take control of their lifestyle, thoughts, and emotions and teach them healthy ways to cope with their problems.

Work and Career Issues

Most of us spend more time at work than at home, therefore the workplace should be an environment where we feel safe and comfortable. However, because work is where a bunch of different personalities, communication styles, and worldviews gather around, things don’t always go smoothly. In fact, workplace bullying is on the rise and though statistics vary, some studies reveal that nearly half of all American workers have been affected by this problem, either as a target or as a witness to abusive behavior against a co-worker.


We all have moments of frustration whether they be associated with a friend, a family member, or a disagreement in your everyday life, but there are several positive strategies to utilize when it comes to dealing with conflict. According to the Office of Human Resource Development at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, conflict is understood by analyzing various behaviors and the consequences each behavior produces on individuals living the dilemma.


Feeling a certain level of anxiety over big stressors or certain life events is totally normal. However, if you find that your fear or worry does not go away and, in fact, gets worse over time, you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. Mild anxiety is vague and unsettling and often passes quickly, while severe anxiety can seriously affect your day-to-day life. If you are finding your anxiety unmanageable, can’t identify the cause of your anxious feelings or if you are suffering from physical symptoms (such as heart palpations, fatigue, sweaty hands, upset stomach, or insomnia), it may be time to get help. 


Welcome to my coaching services, where I specialize in helping you improve your relationships and manage everyday stressors. As an experienced coach, I provide personalized guidance and support to help you develop the skills and tools you need to create healthy and fulfilling relationships, as well as manage stress and anxiety in your daily life. My coaching services are online and designed to be flexible - weeknights and weekend options are available. I offer a range of coaching packages to meet your individual needs, from short-term support to ongoing coaching  relationships. With my coaching services, you can learn to navigate your relationships and daily stressors with confidence and resilience.

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